Meet Wil, First Hire for Our Puerto Rico Office
What attracted you to Puerto Rico?
It’s home! I was eager to come back after a few years abroad.
How do you spend your time away from work?
I spend lots of time with my family. Being a single mom of two is my other fulltime job. School, playdates, and baseball practices invade my agenda on a regular basis.
I also love love love to eat, so I like to spend some of my free time exploring new restaurants or just sitting down at my go-to local spot. Very few things can beat a good dinner and a good cocktail.
P.S. OK, I confess: I also spend some of my time away from work thinking about work. 🙂
What’s your favorite thing about the culture?
People tend to be very warm and welcoming; it’s easy to find a helping hand. Also, any time is a good time to have a feast!
What has surprised you the most about life on the island?
There are no surprises, it’s what I know.
What would you like people to know about Puerto Rico?
So many things! It’s difficult to distill them into a short answer. We are a special little island that holds immense treasures and resources within our 3,500 square miles. Our people are talented and passionate, we speak both English and Spanish, have one of the best coffees in the world, our climate is 70-80 degrees year round, and we have approximately 270 miles of BEACH!